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Saturday, August 12, 2006

When a World War-II fighter landed at the KTC bus stand

PANJIM: While the world was being pounded by missiles and bombs during the chaos that was World War II, Panjimites in the then neutral, Portuguese-ruled Goa busied themselves with their own private little sussegado lives and remained unaffected, until one fine day in 1944... Out of nowhere, a two seater, british Army plane landed in Panjim, on a bare stretch of land, where the KTC bus stand is situated today. Vishnu Vernekar, who was a local mechanic and electronic engineer, at the time, running a shop named Vernecar e Filhos in Panjim, approached the police and boughy the plane, as scrap metal, for just Rs.2000. (Ayesha Barretto, GT)

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